Text Report dan Contohnya

Text Report dan Contohnya

Report text

The function is to describe something in general.
The generic structure are :
1. General classification
2. Descriptions

Contoh :

       Butterflies start out as eggs. Butterflies lay their eggs on leaves. The egg hatches into a caterpillar with a tube-shaped body. The caterpillar eats leaves, buds, or flower of plants. Caterpillar eat a lot and grow fast. Some caterpillar harm plants.
       When a caterpillar is full size , it goes into another stage called a chrysalis. Caterpillar attach themselves to something solid before becoming a chrysalis.
      The caterpillar inside the chrysalis changes into a butterfly. Some butterflies make the change in one week. Some butterflies take years to change.
        When the change is complete, the adult butterfly splits the chrysalis. The insect unfolds its wings dan pumps blood and air into them. It spreads out the wings until they dry and harden. The beautiful butterfly then dies off to slurp nectar from flowers. Most butterflies live only one or two weeks.

Cara Buat Header Blog Transparan

Helo sahabat blogger, sudah lama saya tidak mengupdate blog karena kesibukan sekolah. Tapi tidak apa, kali ini saya akan share cara membuat header blog transparan.

1) Buka Photoshop, kalau belum punya cari di mbah google.
2) Pilih File > New.
3) Sesuaikan Widht dan height dengan ukuran header sobat. Kemudian ubah Backround Contents menjadi Transparent

4) Setelh itu pilih OK, dan hasilnya akan tampak sepeti gambar dibawah ini.
5) Buatlah gambar sesuai kreasi kalian. Contoh :

6) Kemudian pilih File > Save As. Simpanlah dengan format PNG.
7) Kemudian pilih Interlaced . Klik OK
8) Jika sudah, pergi ke www.blogger.com. Pilih Tata Letak atau Layout. Pilih header, kemudian uploud foto yang kamu simpan tadi. pilih simpan.
9) Hasilnya akan sepeti ini.

Semoga bermanfaat